Solidarity with Steven Donziger
Steven Donziger was recently released from Danbury federal prison in Connecticut. It looked as though the worst was over, but that changed drastically last week.

5 Questions Every Social Enterprise Should Ask Itself
It’s no secret that social enterprises face some unique challenges that make their paths tough to chart. But there are some key questions that — when answered thoughtfully — lead to viability, growth, and long-term success.

Five Companies Changing How We Meet the Climate Challenge
Saving this planet is going to take a whole lot more than the effort we’ve collectively put forward so far. Sure, separating your trash, skipping meat one day a week, or taking public transportation will get us closer to averting the in-progress climate disaster. But it was never going to be enough. We need a bigger shift where we all use our talents, time, and energy to solve our greatest existential threat.

2020 Pulse on Purpose-Driven Work: Call for Responses
In our work with purpose-driven organizations — social enterprises, B Corps, nonprofits, and others — one recurring theme is the challenge of comparing notes with your peers. Every organization seems so unique, how do you find those common threads?

Worried about USPS? Support These Organizations in Getting out the Vote
Well, it’s no secret. The entire debacle going on with the post office is a deliberate sabotage to muddy the waters of the 2020 presidential election.
So, what can people do? One option is to support organizations that are doing good work in the field of voting rights and participation.

How To Promote Your Nonprofit
Marketing your nonprofit isn’t all that different from promoting a for-profit business. Many of the key pillars of your promotional efforts are the same as you would find in a corporate marketing plan. To get you started quickly we’ll cover how to create a strong and compelling brand message, considerations for an effective and well-designed website, and how to make the most of promotional channels like social media, paid advertising, and email marketing.

Live Events In The COVID-19 Age
Live conferences and tradeshows are a big part of marketing, both for non-profits who rely on them for operational revenue and for-profit companies that leverage them for valuable customer connections. What happens when a pandemic breaks out and getting large groups of people together no longer seems like a good idea?

Brands, Stop Trying to Co-opt BLM
Serious events are happening. The gears of history are moving, and fast. No one cares what Pringles has to say about it.

Why We’ll Never Work with the Chevrons of the World
From day one at Root & Leaf, we thought it was important to define both who we want to work with and who we don’t.
My recent discovery of Chevron’s efforts to completely skirt responsibility for deliberately polluting the Amazon has given me an even clearer understanding of why.

Celebrating Real Leadership On Earth Day 2020
Happy Earth Day. It’s that one day a year where a parade of companies will go to great lengths to tout their efforts in sustainability. For many enterprises this temporarily adopted moral high ground will be a far stretch from what their business operations really look like the rest of the year.

These COVID Marketing Emails Need to Stop
We’re in the midst of a serious pandemic. It’s a frightening time with a lot of uncertainty. And businesses are looking for every possible way to stay relevant.
In most cases, they aren’t. We’ve collected examples of the mental gymnastics that some brands are taking.

Why We Started a Marketing Agency for Good Causes
A lot of people, myself included, are realizing that the rapidly-growing threats of climate change and mounting social inequities can no longer be ignored. Every one of us has to find a way to use the talents and skills we have to tackle these very real challenges.